
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Laser Tattoo Removal - Is It More Acceptable?

By Soli Kator

Laser tattoo removal has generally better results, less pain and less chances of scarring. The usual laser tattoo removal process would require anywhere from 4 to 12 laser treatments spaced out 5 weeks apart. Laser tattoo removal is often successfully at completely removing a tattoo without much scarring.
Another thing to keep in mind is that laser tattoo removal can destroy hair follicles. Laser tattoo removal is a costly and lengthy procedure. Conclusion:In short, laser tattoo removal is more acceptable today.

What's Involved In Laser Tattoo Removal. Laser tattoo removal is one of the more successful and popular choice but the cost can range up to $120 per visit and usually requiring a minimum of 10 visits. The good news is that laser tattoo removal is becoming a more acceptable form of erasing past mistakes.

Laser tattoo removal succeeds best when applied to red and black colors. The tattoo laser removal may be painful, so most surgeons use numbing cream and local anesthetics to ease the discomfort, wish tends to vary based on skin sensitivity and pain tolerance. Surprisingly in most areas, there are no license or certification required to operate a laser tattoo removal device.

Laser tattoo removal was first widely performed with the CO2 laser. As a Christian owner of a laser tattoo removal clinic, I have been able to offer a solution to those who regret their tattooing decisions. Make sure the equipment and office is sanitized... and the technician is experienced and knowledgeable about the laser tattoo removal process.

Laser tattoo removal, while usually effective, often requires multiple treatments and can be costly. Laser tattoo removal is a process where a laser is aimed at the dark ink in the layers of your skin. It seems that around 25,000 people receiving laser tattoo removal treatments each year have concluded that my tattoo just doesn't look right anymore.
With laser tattoo removal, you'll undergo a series of treatments, each spaced 1 to 2 months apart in order to allow your skin rejuvenation to occur. The public has also become more familiar with the possibility of removing an unwanted tattoo, especially with laser tattoo removal. When it comes time for laser tattoo removal of a highly artistic and intricate design, then the artist usually wins over the machine.

Health Risks Of Laser Tattoo Removal. I think the easiest way to explain how the laser tattoo removal works is this; when you get tattooed, the ink particles stays in the skin because it is too big for your tissue to remove. Like the others, there are usually several treatments of laser tattoo removal that are needed.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Laser Hair Removal In Manhattan

By Clif Haley

Are you interested in removal of face or body hair by laser? Hair removal in Manhattan options is something quite abundantly available. You can find any number of places that will do waxing, threading, bleaching, electrolysis and places that do laser hair removal as well. Which option is right for you?

Laser hair removal in Manhattan can be found easily and is arguably the best option for permanent hair removal. There are clinics that cater to laser hair removal for the upper lip, the cheeks, the back, the bikini area and stomach. Clinics work with women and with men and often provide other aesthetic services as well. Laser removal for hair can be considered expensive compared to other hair removal options but can be very effective and can be a permanent solution which is quite an attractive proposition to many.

If you are someone who spends a lot of time at the beach, laser hair removal for the bikini line is considered by many to be a great investment. Many women complain that they feel like their bikini line has a five o'clock shadow in no time when they use a razor. Do you feel like you have to shave five minutes before you head to the beach otherwise you are embarrassed by rapid re-growth? Waxing can last a little longer but is painful for you and expensive too, when you consider the frequency. Many women miss the bikini days and now wear boy short bathing suits only because of pesky bikini hair growth.

While you're getting your bikini line done, think about how often you hesitate to wear a tank top because you didn't get a chance to shave your underarms that day. It's downright gross to imagine lifting your arm and having someone see stubble. The horror!

Many people who have laser hair removal for one body part are so pleased with the results that they often go back for another body part soon after. Imagine never having to worry about hairy legs again? Many women joke that they don't bother to shave legs in the winter because a) no one sees their legs and b) the excess hair helps keep your legs warmer in the winter. That's the only downside of permanent hair removal for your legs; the lack of extra fuzz keeping your legs warm. Your significant other probably won't miss the cactus prickles under the covers though, right?

If you are a man considering hair removal by laser, don't be discouraged by those who joke about metrosexuals or vanity. Hair removal isn't just for vanity purposes. There's nothing wrong with wanting a more groomed and polished appearance. Many men have manicures and look at hair removal as part of their regular grooming. It can help you with your professional appearance and make your grooming regiment less time consuming, especially considering the fact that as you age, hair re-growth seems to be rapid and can seem almost out of control.

Whether you're a man or a woman and whether you need a little help with hair removal or a lot of help, you can find services for laser hair removal in Manhattan or just about anywhere else. is a laser hair removal resource for the New York area.
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Tuesday, November 6, 2007

5 Important Considerations for Laser Hair Removal

By Perriann Rodriguez

Laser Hair Removal is certainly a great invention. As time passes, the laser hair removal industry has developed more effective lasers that can be used to permanently remove hair. In some cases the hair removal is not quite permanent, rather more a reduction in the amount of hair.

Several treatments may be necessary to permanently remove the hair since the hair has different growing stages and you need to target the hair follicle during a specific stage for the removal to be permanent. Since your hair doesn't tell you what stage it is in or when it will go into the next stage, this procedure can be somewhat of a guessing game.

Below are 5 important considerations you should think about before you get any laser hair removal treatment.
1. Determine if laser hair removal will work for your hair type and skin color. Many advancements in laser technology have opened up a bigger target market for potential hair removal clients. However, you must be certain that the clinic you are going to has all the latest advanced laser technology that is suitable for your skin tone and hair type.
2. Really think about whether you can afford the procedure. Many laser hair removal patients do not experience permanent removal, merely hair reduction. Are you willing to settle for that? Are you able to mentally write off the amount of money that you will spend on this service?
3. Is the treatment guaranteed? Make sure you read all the fine print in those laser hair removal contracts. See if there is any sort of written guarantee and get in writing exactly what will happen if the hair removal is not permanent. It could be more advantageous for you to go with a clinic that offers a guarantee, even if they charge more than other clinics.
4. Do you know what the side effects are? The laser hair removal procedure feels like someone is flicking a rubber band at your skin. There are topical lotions/creams that some clinics will put on your skin to help with some of the pain. Other side effects include blistering, permanent discoloration, infections, etc. Make sure you know about every side effect and what the standard procedure is for dealing with it. Surprises are never good in this situation.
5. Finally, Does the laser hair removal clinic you plan to go to have the proper training and experience to perform the procedure? Ask how many patients they have treated with similar skin color and hair type. I don't think you want to be the first patient for some clinic if you know what I mean.

In short, prepare well for your consultation and make sure you thoroughly investigate every aspect and detail of getting laser hair removal. Find more details at http://

Perriann Rodriguez is the founder of HR Hair Removal, a resource center for anyone thinking about getting laser hair removal. Get a list of questions to ask during your consultation or find a clinic near you---all at
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Friday, August 31, 2007

Your Options For Chicago Electrolysis and Laser Hair Removal

By Judy Wellsworth

You sometimes wonder how one little body—yours--can produce so much hair. And not only does it grow hair with abandon, it grows it in places where hair has no right to grow. You are really, really tired of trying to control the hair equivalent of crabgrass on the million dollar lawn, and because you live in Chicago, you are in luck.

You can take the offensive against the offending hair with a single telephone call to a Chicago electrolysis and laser hair removal expert, and be on your way to a hair-free, carefree life. You can arrange for Chicago electrolysis and laser hair removal treatment simply by making an appointment with a dermatologist qualified in hair removal or an electrolysis or laser hair removal specialist.

The Windy City can relieve you of that unwanted hair both conveniently and cheaply; when compared to other US cities the cost of Chicago electrolysis and laser hair removal is exceptionally reasonable. The multiculturalism of the Chicago community means that there will be someone to provide you with Chicago electrolysis and laser hair removal regardless of your own ethnicity.

Chicago Electrolysis Salons
Chicago has more than thirty facilities offering Chicago electrolysis and laser hair removal, so you will have no trouble finding one who can meet your needs. The Pure Laser hair removal and skin rejuvenation salon is just one of the most recent additions to the Chicago electrolysis and laser hair removal salons.
These salons offer a variety of services from hair removal to body wraps to microdermabrasion, and are open during the hours most convenient for Chicago’s very busy workers. They offer both early morning and late evening appointments, so you have no excuse not to pay one of them a visit.

The American Laser Center, a highly regarded nationwide chain of laser hair removal salons, recently opened in Chicago. With endorsements from both celebrities and ordinary customers, they are among the salons putting hair removal front-and-center in the public awareness. There are also some Chicago electrolysis and laser hair removal centers which allow you to book your first consultation over the Internet, so that there is no pressure for you to go through with a procedure.

When you are at last ready to expose your newly smooth skin to the winds of the Windy City, why not celebrate your successful hair removal with a trip to one of Chicago’s famous pizza parlors and dig into a Deep Dish Pizza?

You can also find more info on professional electrolysis treatments and professional electrolysis machine. is a comprehensive resource to know about Electrolysis.
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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Laser Skin Care Treatment Options

By Dean Forster

Today everybody is keen to have nice skin and fair complexions. People are prepared to put time, money and effort to get the best looking face and skin. Laser skin care is one skin treatments that is popular nowadays. People increasingly visiting the dermatologists for laser skin care treatments. Everyone has unique skin and laser skin treatment may be suitable for some but not for others.

Here is a breakdown of the pros and cons based on which you may consider a particular type of laser skin care treatment.

The Pros
Laser skin care can be divided into two major categories. One is called microdermabrasion. This laser treatment removes the outermost layer of the skin. By removing the outermost skin it allows the skin to revitalize without the imperfections. Due to removal of the dead skin and imperfections the face looks totally different. This procedure doesn’t require any preparation with no pain and requires less recovery time. Post treatment care of the skin is very straight forward as well. You need to keep the skin safe from the sun and well moisturized. If you have little scars or spots received from any accident or recreation then this is the best treatment for you.

The other laser skin care treatment is called ablative Laser skin care treatment. It is mostly used to remove wrinkles and to look youthful. This treatment is especially used around the eyes and the mouth, and it results in wrinkle free skin which lasts upto five years. It is a complete resurfacing of the skin.

The Cons
With microdermabrasion there are few drawbacks. If post treatment care is properly undertaken then the side effects are relatively minor. It can result in scars if the post treatment care is not taken appropriately. Prolonged infection, dryness or redness is usually not associated with this laser skin care procedure. Sometimes the cost is considered as the disadvantage of this laser skin care treatment but in the arena of expensive products and treatments it is cost effective and usually costs around $200 to $300. For more information on laser skin care and skin care products visit

On the other hand ablative Laser skin care treatment is considered having a greater chance of negative effects following the treatment. Scars and infection is very common which defeats the purpose of skin care. It can result in diverse skin pigmentation as an unwanted side effect in individuals with naturally dark skin. It can also result in prolonged redness and dryness of the skin. Always choose a trusted dermatologist for this kind of laser skin care treatment. Possibly you can consider one who has performed the treatment on your friends or family.

So if you are considering laser skin care treatment then do your ground work properly and find out that what kind of laser skin care treatment is suitable for you. Also search for a recommended dermatologist for your treatment.

Article by Dean Forster of
If you are thinking of using laser skin care or would like more information on skin care products visit Best Skin Care Product
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Sunday, August 26, 2007

Hair Restoration Treatment Using Laser Therapy

By Arturo Ronzon

One of the recent introductions in the field of non-surgical hair loss treatment is Laser Hair Loss Treatment. The principle behind the treatment procedure is that the appropriate wavelength of light is used to stimulate blood supply to the scalp, which promotes cell growth and other physiological activities. An enhanced supply of nutrients reaches the hair follicles and thus boosts the health of the scalp and the hair shaft. This method of treatment has shown a lot of promise. Remarkable results have been achieved when used in combination with other conventional hair loss treatment products like Rogaine and Propecia. After completing the treatment procedure effective control of hair loss as well as new hair growth have been noticed.

There are different types of laser hair loss treatments available. The mode that will best suit a particular patient, depending upon the patient’s particular needs, can be prescribed by a specialist.

Laser Luce LDS 100
This type of laser hair loss treatment has been proved to be effective in stimulating about seventy-percent of hairs in their resting phase. This treatment increases blood flow to the scalp, so that the hair follicles are enabled to absorb more nutrients and thus grow stronger than they were before.

The treatment procedure requires the patient to sit underneath a dome-shaped apparatus the interior of which is lined with low energy laser illuminators. The laser beams are absorbed by the skin excites the blood vessels underlying the deeper layers of skin tissue. Optimal results can be acquired only after the patient undergoes a series of therapy sessions. The treatment is usually combined with other effective hair loss remedies, in order to achieve complete hair restoration.

Low Level Laser Therapy, also called LLLT
Any type of phototherapy or laser-based treatment that does not rupture the skin falls under the general term LLT. The other names are low-power laser, therapeutic laser or soft-laser therapy. Application of LLLT improves the health of existing hair and sustained use stimulates the growth of new hair as well. This non-invasive method of treatment provides a cosmetic cure to hair loss problems. The treatment involves the use of a comb that uses LLLT to heat and massage the scalp. The pores on the scalp are expanded by the heat. An invisible infrared radiation is also emitted by the comb that increases cellular metabolism in the scalp. Increased blood circulation and efficient oxygen supply to the scalp contribute towards restoration of healthy hair growth.

Low Level Laser Therapy is commonly combined with conventional hair restorative treatment programs to ensure a multi-pronged approach in combating hair loss. The combined therapies provide superior results as compared to any other healing method involving the use of a single product only.

Laser Comb – The Device for Laser Therapy at Home
Some trichologists recommend the use of a hand-held “laser comb” – a device that administers phototherapy when brushed through the hair and over the scalp. This device is often used as a supplement to the previous two categories of laser therapy in order to provide additional boost to the treatment carried out at the clinic. The use of the laser comb is also advised following the surgical procedure of hair transplantation, in order to quicken the healing process. The patient should consult a doctor prior to making any purchase of the existing models offered in the market.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Titan Laser Procedure

By Alan Hood

Laser Information- The Titan
The procedure that many are calling an effective alternative to a face lift is known as the Titan Procedure. The Titan like is one of a new breed of skin lasers that offer patients skin treatments marked by minimal if any pain or discomfort. The laser works by stimulating the collagen that lies below the surface of skin. When the skin ages collagen fibers will stretch resulting in sagging skin. The Titan Laser heats the collagen layer which results in it contracting and thickening. Additionally it causes the formation of minute injuries in the dermal layer of the skin. These "injuries" result in the production of collagen to occur.

The procedure can be utilized on a variety of areas including the face, neck and body. The most frequent areas receiving Titan Laser treatment is the facial area. In the facial area the forehead, neck, cheeks and jowl are the most popular areas for treatment. In addition other regions such as the stomach, thighs, and arms can also be effectively treated. The procedure is especially effective at treating the more difficult regions of the body such as the knee and elbows regions.

Length and details of the Titan procedure
Procedure sessions can last from a minimum of 10 minutes to over one hour, based on your doctor’s treatment approach. A numbing cream is applied to the patients treatment areas, but there is little in the way of pain during the procedure. The sensation during the procedure can best be described as a pulse of heat which continually cycles throughout the treatment.

Risks and/or complications related to the Titan procedure
Individuals receiving treatment indicate the procedure is almost free of pain. There are few if any side effects associated with treatment via the Titan Laser. Patients may experience slight redness that usually will fade after an hour. Any swelling that occurs should subside within a day. Individuals that receive treatment via the Titan Laser may immediately return to work.
What makes the Titan procedure popular is its minimal impact. The procedure is not surgical, but often rivals results from traditional forms of facial surgery. Furthermore the skin surface is not damaged as the procedure does not extend below the dermis region.

Long-term results of the procedure
Since the laser works by stimulating the formation of new collagen, ideal results will take approximately three to eight months to materialize. While this laser procedure is very effective it does have limitations. Individuals with advanced skin aging coupled with sun damage and excessive wrinkles may not be the best candidates for the Titan laser procedure.

How much does this procedure cost?
A Titan Laser procedure can cost between $1500 to $2500.
Will my insurance cover a Titan procedure?
Because a Titan procedure is considered an elective procedure, insurance usually will not cover the operation.

Read more about the Titan Laser and its benefits.
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