
Sunday, July 29, 2007

Laser Treatment For Stretch Marks - Say Goodbye To Post Childbirth Stretch Marks

By Asheesh Mani

Laser treatment for stretch marks removal is becoming very popular amongst pregnant women day by day. Laser treatment for stretch marks is a painless procedure in which lasers are used to remove stretch marks.

An Overview
Let us try to understand what laser treatment for stretch marks is and how it helps in removing pregnancy stretch marks. The component of human body responsible for repairing and rejuvenating skin tissues is called collagen, a protein rich compound. Laser surgery for stretch marks removal repairs this important compound, collagen. With laser treatment broken blood vessels are sealed, damaged skin tissues are removed and middle skin fibers are repaired. In short, we can say that laser treatment helps to fill in the stretch marks. In the whole procedure of treatment a special cream is also recommended by the doctor that is used along with the laser treatment. The combination of both helps the stretch marks removal in a better way.

Since laser treatment for stretch marks involves many laser surgeries, this treatment is quite time consuming as well as also very expensive. Each treatment session lasts for up to an hour and each visit to doctor demands for fees. Number of sessions depends on how old the stretch mark is. Similarly, price of the treatment depends upon the type of laser treatment, area to be treated and the number of treatments required. It can be seen that like all other pregnancy problem, stretch marks is also a crucial one. It is said that these laser surgeries are not very successful on old stretch marks that have already become faded or turned white as laser rays cannot detect them. Laser rays work best on marks that are red or brown in color.

It is advisable to avoid sun exposure for about 5-6 weeks prior to the treatment. In the unavoidable situation where one has to go out, then application of sunscreen lotion is recommended so as to prevent the skin from being exposed to sun. All people who plan to have a laser treatment are also advised to avoid smoking prior to treatment.

Laser treatments can remove pregnancy stretch marks, but if not done properly can also give some side effects. For example, the area which is treated can turn red and swollen or slight burning feeling can be felt on the skin. It has also been found that sometimes brown discoloration can occur on skin which can even be permanent. Therefore, one should not get treated with clinics which are unregistered or not qualified to provide laser treatment for stretch marks.

To conclude, it can be said that laser treatments for stretch marks removal is an effective method of removing stretch marks. However, this treatment is quite time consuming and demands reasonably high financial commitments. Some doctors claims that laser surgery can effectively remove stretch marks while some studies fails to reveal the effectiveness of laser surgery. Laser surgeries do not completely remove stretch marks but fades them. Therefore, one should be aware of the procedure, cost, results and side effects of this laser treatment for stretch marks before being treated.

Laser treatment for stretch marks is a boon for women who dread pregnancy just because of ugly pregnancy stretch marks. Stretch marks removal is not easy but with proper care and precautions, you can avoid stretch marks to a great extent. If you are suffering from these marks, you can opt for laser surgery for stretch marks.
Visit Pregnancy Stretch Marks for more information and free articles on home remedies for stretch marks and other pregnancy related subjects such as pregnancy planning, pregnancy symptoms, pregnancy diet, pregnancy exercises, maternity clothes and much more.
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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Should You Consider Laser Tattoo Removal?

By Angela Harris

Once upon a time, a tattoo was permanent. These days, however, you can actually remove an unwanted tattoo. One of the most popular methods of tattoo removal is laser tattoo removal. The process works by using lasers to break up the ink particles which are then washed away by the body. When it comes to whether or not this is effective, it depends. If your tattoo is all black, you will see better results than if you have colored ink in your tattoo. It may take longer for lasers to remove colored tattoos than black ones. In addition, you can expect laser tattoo removal to take several sessions. On average, most people go for anywhere from two to six treatments before their tattoo is gone. Each session costs several hundred dollars, making it expensive but worth it if you really want your tattoo gone.

When you go for your first session, you will be given eye protection to protect your eyes from the laser. The skin will be tested so that the doctor will know what frequency the laser should be. The apparatus is placed over the skin and a zap of light is applied. Some people need to numb the areas while others don't. The feeling of laser tattoo removal is best described as an intense sensation that feels like a hard rubber band snapping on the skin. Whether you should numb the area will depend on your pain threshold. It may also depend on how large the tattoo is.

Laser tattoo removal is much more effective than the old methods of tattoo removal. These methods may include excision, salabrasion, dermabrasion, tattoo removal creams and chemical peels. When it comes to safety, the only real risk of laser tattoo removal is infection. This is why it is important to care for the lasered area according to your surgeon's instructions. You will need to wait for the treated area to heal before going back for more sessions.

To find a laser tattoo specialist near you, ask your dermatologist or check the Yellow Pages. Because more and more people are looking for a way to get rid of unwanted tattoos, more doctors are offering this service.

To learn more about the different methods of tattoo removal and even how to cover a tattoo with makeup, visit Tattoo Disappear at
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Monday, July 9, 2007

Permanent Laser Hair Removal - Fact Or Fiction?

By Judy Wellsworth

Does the often-touted permanent laser hair removal treatment really exist? Is there actually a method for ridding oneself of unwanted, unsightly body hair forever?

The term “permanent laser hair removal” is commonly applied to permanent lessening of hair on a specific part of the body. They hair, while it may be significantly reduced, cannot be completely stopped from returning, especially as the hormonal changes which accompany the aging process occur.

What the permanent laser hair removal process actually can accomplish is the slow the re-growth of treated hair for several months, or in some cases, years. Most people who experience re-growth can have it removed with an additional permanent laser hair removal treatment one or two times annually; the initial treatment will normally include between six and eight sessions spaces between six and ten weeks apart.

The appeal of permanent laser hair removal is that the results are superior to those achieved from waxing, depilatories, tweezing, and shaving. Electrolysis has results comparable to those of permanent laser hair removal, but takes a much longer time to complete and is more painful.

Factors You Should ConsiderNot all people will have satisfactory results from permanent laser hair removal, and should be screened before hand to determine if the treatment is suitable for them. Complexion and hair color, other medical conditions, the skill of the person performing the treatment, and the variety of machine used will all make a difference in the outcome.

Permanent laser hair removal machines operate by focusing a colored light beam thrown a liquid, gas, or crystal which amplifies the light in a narrow bandwidth which enters the hair follicle and is absorbed by the pigment of the growing hair. Dark hair will absorb more of the light’s energy, so permanent laser hair removal is more effective on dark-haired individuals.

Because the laser light heats the hair shaft as it destroys it, lasers are normally equipped with cooling devices to avoid burning the skin in the area being treated.

Permanent laser hair removal machines include the Alexandrite, diode, ruby, and Nd:YAG models. The doctor who is overseeing your treatments will be the one to decide which is most appropriate for your case.

Side Effects Side effects from permanent laser hair removal treatments are usually temporary and insignificant. They may include swelling, itching, redness, and minor irritation in the area from which the hair is being removed. A few people may experience a temporary darkening or lightening of their skin, and if proper sanitary procedures are ignored, infection. Those considering the procedure can minimize their risk of side effects by taking the pre and post-treatment measures recommended by their doctors.

You can also find more info on Laser Hair Removal Reviews and Laser Hair Removal Treatments. is a comprehensive resource to know more about Laser Removing.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Tired Of Your Tattoo-How About Tattoo Laser Removal?

By Derek Cladek

There is a new statistic that came out that said 57% of people who have tattoos regret their tattoo and wish for them to be removed. Even though tattoos are one of the most researched topics on the internet lately, many of these people are researching designs that they might like to have. Lots of research is needed to be sure you get a great tattoo design. Without doing the time for research you will pay the price later down the line with the cost of getting a tattoo removed.

Cost for removing tattoos depends on many different factors. If a tattoo is large, colorful, in-depth design, all play a role in determining how much it will cost to get the tattoo removed. Laser tattoo removal is one of the more successful and popular choice but the cost can range up to $120 per visit and usually requiring a minimum of 10 visits. Remember that the cost and time that it will take to get a tattoo removed depends on the design.

Another form of removal is by using a natural herb that is produced in a European country. This way of getting rid of a tattoo obviously will take much longer and the results might not be what you are looking for. The compromise by using this form of tattoo removal is the costs are much lower. Usually a bottle that removes tattoos will cost around $40-$60 but will depend on the size, shape and colors used for the tattoo. Multiple bottles might be needed to remove the tattoo. So it is important to do your research before you get a tattoo that you will have to live with for the rest of your life or be ready to hand out cash to get the tattoo removed.

It's very important to research the tattoo design that you want. Without the time put into research you might find yourself finding ways of getting rid of your unwanted tattoo by laser tattoo removal or by applying other forms of tattoo removal. The cost for removing a tattoo might be a deciding factor on if a person gets a tattoo or not. If 57% of people that have tattoos in the US want their tattoos removed it might show how important it is on researching for your tattoo. Research is the most important time and should take lots of time to find the best tattoo designs.